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National Agricultural Library catalog; provides citations to scientific literature in the areas of agriculture, horticulture, ecology, and related fields.

Agriculture Network Information Center

Alliance of colleges, universities, Extension services, independent research centers, and other partners to provide access to agricultural information, documents, and news.

Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA)

National Center for Appropriate Technology; comprehensive series of publications on sustainable production and pest management practices, alternative crop and livestock enterprises, innovative marketing, organic certification, and more.


Information from a nationwide collaborative of land-grant university Extension services

Google Scholar

The familiar Google search engine, but focused on scientific and scholarly literature.

Missouri Alternatives Center Link List

Extensive links to documents on a wide variety of alternative agriculture topics, compiled from nationwide University Extension services and agriculture centers.

National Agricultural Library/Alternative Farming Systems Information Center

"The Alternative Farming Systems Information Center (AFSIC) specializes in identifying resources about sustainable food systems and practices in support of USDA's effort to ensure a sustainable future for agriculture and farmers worldwide."

University of Minnesota Extension Service

Extensive collection of documents on all aspects of agriculture and horticulture in Minnesota; written by University of Minnesota faculty and staff and based on research conducted at the University of Minnesota.