The Sustainable Plant Systems Club is for students in Applied Plant Sciences degree programs at the University of Minnesota. Contact Club leadership via email: [email protected].
List Moderation
SustainablePlantSystemsClub Listserv is a moderated list. That means all messages posted to the list are first routed to the list administrator for review and approval before being distributed to all subscribers.
Guidelines for Posting
The SustainablePlantSystemsClub Listserv is a place for club events and meeting postings to be announced. It is also a space for members to share and see opportunities and events relating to sustainable plant systems including but not limited to: job/internship postings, academic and class advice, research on and off campus, and local sustainable agriculture events.
What's Allowed?
- We welcome posts announcing fundraisers pertaining to local and on-campus events relating to sustainable plant systems.
- Job and internship postings relating to sustainable plant systems. This also includes academic topics like news postings, research findings, course information, and university resources pertaining to the interests of the club.
- Sustainable plant systems-related organizations that do fundraising to support their programs can post fundraising appeals on SustAgMarket.
What's Not Allowed?
- Postings for any inappropriate, non-Sustainable Cropping Systems Club event or opportunity related product or service are not allowed, and will result in prompt removal of the subscriber who posted it from the list.
- Postings for sales of goods and services not directly for non-profit organizations or fundraising pertaining to sustainable plant systems
- Postings about any illegal activity, product, or service are not allowed, and will result in removal of the subscriber and reporting to U of MN police.
Other Guidelines for Sustainable Plant Systems Club Listserv Subscribers:
Subscribers to SustainablePlantSystemsClub listserv are asked to adhere to basic rules of online etiquette ("Netiquette"). These will be enforced at the discretion of the list owner. As a moderated list, anyone engaging in personal attacks, slander, libel, or general viciousness and abuse will be asked to tone it down or leave the list.
Subscribe to SustainablePlantSystemsClub:
Contact the club leadership at [email protected] to ask to be added to the subscriber list.
Post a message to the list:
Once you are subscribed, send your message to [email protected]
Unsubscribe from SustainablePlantSystemsClub:
Send a message to [email protected] from the email address you want to unsubscribe. Leave the subject line blank. In the message body, type "SIGNOFF SustainablePlantSystemsClub."
Alternatively, contact the club leadership at [email protected] to ask to be removed from the subscriber list.